Collaborating to support the development of the clean hydrogen market.
About The HIA
The Hydrogen Industry Alliance (HIA) operates under the 501(c)6 tax exempt status of Energy Systems Network (ESN). HIA is an industry led alliance open to corporate membership. ESN will provide staffing and administrative support to HIA and contract experts.
OAccelerate the commercialization of clean hydrogen technologies and development of a clean hydrogen economy that will foster sustainability, energy security, and economic development in the industrial, transportation, and energy sectors.
Establish a network of companies that will work collaboratively to support clean hydrogen market development through shared project learnings and market research, advocacy with federal, state, and local governments, and educating the public on the benefits of clean hydrogen.
HIA offers a platform for commercial collaboration, a forum for input on policy and legislation and a venue for education on the benefits of hydrogen. HIA members will benefit from the shared costs and collective advocacy of the network to maximize impact and influence.
HIA is an industry-led alliance open to corporate membership and will operate under the 501(c)6 tax-exempt status of ESN. Members will appoint a corporate lead to serve a 2-year term with the option for renewal. Government, academic, and non-profit entities can engage with HIA but cannot be members.
While we believe Hydrogen has significant potential as a mainstream energy source, there remains a lack of awareness of the economic development, jobs, and sustainability impact of clean hydrogen. As such, the Hydrogen Industry Alliance will seek to educate a variety of stakeholders including elected officials and policymakers. An important component of education will include the development of a marketing and awareness plan that will include pursuing earned media, limited advertising, regional education sessions, website, etc. University outreach and engagement will also be pursued given the strong connections ESN and HIA members have with research institutions.
Commercial Collaboration
Coordinated collaboration is essential to building a successful H2 ecosystem. The clean H2 molecules must be produced, transported, stored, and deployed. Currently, this value chain is not well established for many sectors and end use cases. To that end, HIA will include members across the value chain in our alliance. We anticipate that HIA will likely have representation from more than one corporate in certain verticals. We believe that a healthy dialogue between commercial partners (including some competitors) will create a more meaningful and impactful alliance. However, as mentioned previously, we will limit the number of commercial collaborators in each vertical. Our alliance will allow commercial partners a platform to collaborate. The opportunities to collaborate will include at board meetings, at our annual conference, and outside of the regularly scheduled meetings.
Policy and Legislative Advocacy
HIA supports creating policy standards across the H2 value chain. We believe establishing standards from H2 production, transportation and storage and deployment into end use applications will facilitate a more rapid and streamlined H2 adoption curve. HIA seeks to act as a facilitator between the various stakeholders including commercial collaborators and elected officials and policymakers. Given our position as a non-profit agency, we believe our organization can be effective in gathering input and consensus from key commercial parties and performing effective policy legislative advocacy in conjunction with our contract experts.
Let’s Talk Hydrogen.
Learn more about the hydrogen ecosystem.